lunes, mayo 14, 2007


The moonlit night show its face, and the
children’s voices disappear
You are somewhere in that distant,
distant sky, aren’t you?
Do you remember the constellation we found
When we snuck out to this park at the end of summer?

Even if I can’t see you, I want to trace back over our memories and feel that same happiness
The fireworks burst open, with that scent

I want to go to where you are,
I want to run there right now
It’s so dark I can’t see a thing,
but it’s OK to be scared
Even now, the countless stars in the sky are here
I won’t cry; this is the beautiful sky
I looked at with you

The sound of your shoes that echoed
as far as that street,
still reamins in my ears
You’re thinking of it too, aren’t you,
as you look at your huge shadow
You’d think I wouldn’t care at all,
but a huge pain swells up
No matter how much I think of you, you’re gone

I want to go and be by your side,
I may be small, I may be small
But I love you more than anything,
and it makes me strong
I tried to make a quiet wish on a shooting star
But I won’t cry, I’m sure it’ll reach that beautiful sky

Even if I can’t see you, I want to trace back over our memories and feel that same happiness
The fireworks burst open, with that scent

I want to go to where you are,
and take your little hand
I want to cry, this is, this is, that beautiful sky
I tried to make a quiet wish on a shooting star
But I want to cry,
I’ll send the love that won’t reach you
into this sky…

Planetarium - Ai Otsuka.

Una de mis favoritas canciones, en uno de mis favoritos días... felicidades a todos quienes nacieron o renacieron en un día como hoy!, que complicado puede ser entender que desde la tristeza de una letra y melodía como ésta, se vienen lo más lindo que pueda pensar que existe en este mundo, lo más lindo que me pueden haber regalado, lo más lindo que cualquier persona incluso muy diferente a mi esperaría recibir... quien sabe si hoy como en otras oportunidades llegaré a ese lugar... si sentiré esa brisa, si algo inesperado pase, sólo sé que existo, que hay momentos en los que soy realmente feliz y que no puedo ignorar que si no fuera por lo vivido no sería así. Estoy muy agradecida. Demasiado perfecta para ser una melodía.
